Cost of Attendance

Program Cost Detail

Quick Facts

Institutional Fees

Tuition (clock hour) $2.10/hour
Student Fees (clock hour) $0.35/hour
Tuition (credit hour) $95.00/credit
Graduation Fee $18.00
Transcript Fee $3.00

Estimated Costs (credit hour)

The cost to attend Davis Technical College varies by program. Below is an estimated cost to attend Davis Technical College based on either a 24 credit hour program or 900 clock hour program.

  24 Credit-hour Program 900 Clock-hour Program
Credit Hour Tuition $2,280 $1,890
Fees $179 $1,156
Food/Housing $10,799 $10,799
Transportation $3,518 $3,518
Misc/Personal Expense $2,147 $2,147
Books/Supplies $839 $1,191
Total $19,762 $20,746

Amounts listed for Registration, Off-Campus Living, Transportation, Misc, are constant across all programs. The costs for tuition, fees and Books/Supplies associated for each program can be found on the individual Program pages.