1098-T Information

Student 1098T forms are available on the Student Portal. Additional 1098T information can be found here.

Grievance Process

Student Grievance

Davis Technical College seeks to create a quality, accessible learning environment where an atmosphere of respect for all individuals exists. The purpose of the Student Grievance Policy is to provide guidance and procedures for addressing student grievances and complaints in an equitable manner to reach fair and appropriate resolutions to student complaints in compliance with Davis Technical College standards for due process.

A grievance may be a complaint about any treatment believed to be wrong or unfair. If a student feels they have been dealt with unjustly by college administration, instructors, staff, or other students, they may address their concerns to the person(s) involved informally. If attempts to resolve a complaint are unsuccessful, it may be appropriate to bring the grievance to the attention of the college administration.

Acceptable means for expressing a student grievance are outlined in the Student Grievance Policy and Procedures. These may include but are not limited to administrative issues, Title VI, Title IX, 504, ADA, academic issues or misconduct, behavioral misconduct, discrimination, harassment, or other Student Code of Conduct violations. 

Formal grievances must be submitted in the form of a written letter to the Director of Student Services and must contain a statement of the alleged violation(s), a statement of the student's desired resolution, and the student's name, address, and phone number.

Employee Grievance

Similarly to the Student Grievance Policy and Procedures mentioned above, Davis Technical College seeks to ensure fair and equitable treatment to employees who seek to resolve work-related complaints through both informal and formal procedures.

Acceptable means for expressing an employee grievance are outlined in the Employee Grievances Policy. A grievance concerning interpretation or application of personnel policies or practices; working conditions; employee-supervisor relationships; disciplinary sanctions, or termination or non- retention, discrimination or harassment, or other personnel matters. Certain employment issues not eligible for employee grievances include position descriptions, classification of positions, and establishment of salaries commensurate with classifications.

Regular staff members and those part-time, temporary or probationary staff members who have access to grievance procedures under College policy shall first attempt to resolve employment grievances through informal discussions with their immediate supervisors. The Human Resource Office shall be available to assist both parties in the informal resolution of grievances. A staff member may not be subjected to intimidation or reprisal for assertion of an employment grievance.

An employment grievance review process, including appropriate time lines, is available to all regular staff members who are not satisfied with the results of informal discussions. An employee may not institute more than one grievance procedure based on the same facts, circumstances, or events.