Academic Development

Students who do not pass their entrance exam with the required proficiency will be referred to skill development classes. The classes are taught by Davis Tech faculty and provide students with basic skills in math, reading, language, spelling, grammar and basic computer skills required by their programs. Students can also enroll in order to improve their current academic skills. Classes are offered in a blended format that uses a variety of teaching aides (computer simulations, one-on-one tutoring and possible video, audio clips, etc) to help students master basic concepts to meet program entrance requirements and employment goals.

Our goal is to make sure you feel confident to take on challenges in your life such as returning to school or taking on a new job.

Academic Development

Course Number/Name Credit Hours Cost
BTEC 1030 | Operating Systems and Email Applications 1 $95
BTEC 1031 | Word Processing Fundamentals 1 $95
BTEC 1032 | Spreadsheet Fundamentals 1 $95
BTEC 1033 | Database Fundamentals 1 $95
BTEC 1034 | Electronic Presentations Fundamentals 1 $95
BTEC 1515 | Business English 2 $190
BTEC 1565 | Customer Service 2 $190

Skill Development

Course Number/Name Credit Hours Cost
FUND 0051 | Keyboarding Skills 0 $95
FUND 0081 | Reading Skills I 0 $95
FUND 0200 | Reading Skills II 0 $95
FUND 0086 | Math Skills 0 $120
FUND 0091 | Study Skills 0 $95
FUND 0100 | Certification Prep 0 $95

Struggling with Math?

Challenged by mathematics? Would you prefer a small class, self-paced environment to build your math muscles? We have great opportunities for you to work directly with instructors and with math programs to increase your math abilities. Click here to learn more.

Workplace Success? Job Skills?

Do you lack the skills necessary to prepare for a successful employment search? These skills range from resume/cover letter writing, to interview etiquete, to follow-up. Once employed, how do you make yourself indispensible to your employer? This course looks at career planning and how it relates to the current market conditions.

Click here to learn more.


Classroom Hours

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8am-11am 8am-11am 8am-11am 8am-11am 8am-11am
12pm-3pm 12pm-3pm 12pm-3pm 12pm-3pm 12pm-3pm
6pm-9pm 6pm-9pm 6pm-9pm 6pm-9pm